4/22 - National Earth Day

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Tracy F
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4/22 - National Earth Day

Post by Tracy F »


Each year on April 22nd, National Earth Day campaigns around the globe promote ways to keep the Earth healthy and our planet livable.

Since its inception, the organizers promote events educating the public about a variety of subjects including:

climate change
air pollution
water pollution
renewable fuels and power
carbon footprints
efficient cars
rain forests

As citizens of the world, we can take action to protect the Earth, its creatures, and its habitats. Greener living can include more fuel-efficient vehicles or windows. It can also include landscaping for your climate reducing the amount of water required.

Numerous green campaigns launch events around the globe each year. Join one near you or organize one that fits your community's needs.

Support and use recycling programs in your community.
Volunteer to clean up local parks and streets on clean-up days.
Support and frequent green businesses.
Use re-usable products versus disposable.
Repurpose items that have outworn their use.
Shop secondhand and thrift stores for gently used items.
Use energy-efficient appliances or line dry your clothes.
Walk or ride your bike to work if possible.
Carpool or make one trip instead of multiple trips for shopping.
Encourage your favorite products to reduce packaging.
Check outOne Square Inch of Silence. Founded on Earth Day in 2005, it encourages you to participate in expanding naturally silent spaces around the globe.
Share your Earth Day experiences and join the conversation using #EarthDay on Social Media.

In 1969, the concept of Earth Day was established at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. On March 21, 1970, a sanctioned Proclamation was signed by Secretary-General U Thant at the United Nations. A month later, on April 22, 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day. While National Earth Day is not considered a national holiday we encourage you to learn more.

Environmentalists held rallies in large cities around the country. The observance became a global event in 1990 and hasn't stopped since.

Earth Day FAQ
Q. Is Earth Day an international movement?
A. Yes. Though it began in the United States, it became an international movement in 1990.

Q. How many people participate in Earth Day each year?
A. According to earthday.org 1 billion people participate annually.

Q. When was Earth Day's anniversary?
A. In 2020, the world celebrated Earth Day's 50th anniversary.
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Re: 4/22 - National Earth Day

Post by Tamara »

This is a fun one! There are so many fun kid activities they can do at school or in other groups. When I taught the Activity day girls I made blue and green granny goose popcorn and printed off some fun activities from pinterest. IT was during Covid so I just dropped it off at their houses.
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Re: 4/22 - National Earth Day

Post by phillisw »

A day to take care of our earth....so important

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