March 2021 - Birthday Bash Celebration

Join us ALL month long as Cookin' up Creations celebrates it's 4th year anniversary....for the fourth time!
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March 2021 - Birthday Bash Celebration

Post by tammyfolk »


Join us all month long in March as we celebrate the 4th anniversary of Cookin' up Creations (once again)!!

Challenges will be based on the "Birthday Theme"....but not necessarily on the "specific birthday"...the day itself, the person, the gifts, food, games, new life in general (Spring)/ Newness......the possiblilites are limitless...

A new Blue Plate Special challenge is posted each Monday (sketch), Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and participants have until the 3rd of the following month to complete and post their creations in the Cookin' up Creations Gallery.

Prize will be a $20 Gift Certificate to their favorite online store (random drawing).....
Tammy Folk - Strawberries & Peppermints there really anything else?

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