Happy New Year!! 1.1.19

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Happy New Year!! 1.1.19

Post by Tamara »

It's a new day, a new year and a new number...….2019

What do you plan to do this year? I am hoping to keep a tidy organized scrap room and an efficient one. I want to put pics in my 6x8 albums and get a heck of a lot of scrapping done. Today I am kind of chillin and hoping to get another corner in my room tidied up. I need to get scrapping so I thought I could clear a space today and then tomorrow I can scrap all day. DH is off work of course so that probably means theatre time. We had a good nights sleep, didn't stay up late and this year didn't get woke up at midnight with banging. We are pretty boring partiers. lol I haven't put any make up on in hopes that it will keep me in the house today. haha
Happy Tuesday!!
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