January 2024 - the Four Seasons

Join us all month long as we take time to appreciate the Four Seasons of the Year.
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January 2024 - the Four Seasons

Post by tammyfolk »

"We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts." ~ William Hazlett

Most people focus on the beauty of nature. However, Mother Nature touches us much more deeply. Nature isn’t about how it looks. Instead, nature is about how it makes us feel and how it touches us deep in our hearts.


Join us all month long as we post challenges based on the the Glorious Beauty of Mother Nature and her Four Seasons.

A new Blue Plate Special challenge is posted each Monday (sketch), Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Participants have until the 3rd of the following month to complete and post their creations in the Cookin' up Creations Gallery.

Prize will be a $20 Gift Certificate to their favorite online store (random drawing).....

Tammy Folk - Strawberries & Peppermints

Scrapbooking....is there really anything else?


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