Join us all month long as we celebrate
our 7th Birthday here at Cookin' up Creations!!
Challenges will be based on the "Birthday Theme"....but not necessarily about birthdays!!
Don't worry if you don't have any birthday pictures as the possibilities are limitless! Trust me, there'll be enough different challenges for everyone. There's also going to be a few games and random prizes thrown in (see forum here).
You ARE NOT going to want to miss this month-long celebration!
New Blue Plate Special challenges are posted each Monday (sketch), Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and participants have until the 3rd of the following month to complete and post their creations in the Cookin' up Creations Gallery.
The prize will be a $20 Gift Certificate to their favorite online store (random drawing) .....
*Winners will be chosen via Random.Org
For today's challenge we are going to turn our focus towards party games. One game in particular, Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
Here's how you play:
Hang a picture of a donkey without it's tail on a wall - animal
Prepare "tails" (pieces of paper or cutouts) with tape or glue on one side - die cut
Hand the player a "tail" and blindfold them - hidden journaling
Spin player around - include something round on your layout.
Ready, set, go!
Pin the tail - Pin something down with a brad, eyelet or staple
The player who pins the "tail" closest to the donkeys hind end is the winner.
Choose 3 of the 5 items listed above. Add some background work.
Here's my layout.