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RQOTD: 10/24/2017

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:06 am
by Beth
If you live where there is snow in winter, are you looking forward to it?

I love all seasons and am ready for snow when it comes. I love TONS of snow and prefer it is a wet snow so snowmen can be built.

Re: RQOTD: 10/24/2017

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:12 am
by SusieQ
I 100 percent agree. This is me
Beth wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:06 am If you live where there is snow in winter, are you looking forward to it?

I love all seasons and am ready for snow when it comes. I love TONS of snow and prefer it is a wet snow so snowmen can be built.

Re: RQOTD: 10/24/2017

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:49 am
by Jan Mosier
We rarely see the white stuff here but I do enjoy watching it fall and would like to see some this year. We lived in IL one winter and got plenty. It was nice for Kyle and I but Jack had to drive in it....he didn't care for it at all!

Re: RQOTD: 10/24/2017

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:58 am
by LoriS
We normally don't get a lot of snow - I think our average for the whole season is like 16 inches - which usually comes a couple of inches at a time! I would love to get one big snow this winter - a nice wet snow for building snowmen would be great!

Re: RQOTD: 10/24/2017

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:33 pm
by BarbP
We had quite a bit of snow each winter when we lived in Illinois; it was pretty to look at but I didn't enjoy shoveling or driving in it. (We did have lots of fun pkaying and sledding in it when I was a kid, though) Here in southern Colorado, we're sort of in a pocket where we don't get a lot of snow, and what we get doesn't stay long. I prefer it that way.

Re: RQOTD: 10/24/2017

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:05 pm
by Patti
I live where there is lot's of snow and cold and NO I am not looking forward to it. I hate driving in it. I hate shoveling it when it is waist high. I do love watching it fall when I'm snug inside in front of a fireplace with a good book. If I had my way it would snow Christmas Eve and melt the day after Christmas and go back to being 70. Of course, our ski industry, snowmobiling, ice fishing, etc. businesses would disagree with my selfish attitude.