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Yea its SATURDAY July 20, 2019

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:38 am
by Tamara
Good morning folks!! Whatcha all doing today?

So far today I haven't done much. Just made breakfast and finished some sewing this morning so I could take the machine down. Kids are coming to dinner tomorrow so I need the table free. :lol: This afternoon I am picking up tow of my sisters and heading to the high school we attended. It is 50 years old and they are tearing it down so today everyone who ever attended in the fifty years is invited to come walk the circled halls one last time. Yes My Highschool was two giant circles. DH doesn't understand why I want to go. I said this is history and I can scrap it! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Then tonight we are going to a pioneer concert with Sissel as a guest performer. She is suppose to be really good. I have never been before so I am excited I got tickets. They are free but you still had to apply for them. hopefully my DH will behave himself.
Have a great day!
Happy Saturday!