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Tuesday - 5/21/19

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 6:02 am
by tammyfolk
Good morning ladies -

Seems like forever since I've had a chance to actually sit down at my computer and check in! Lots going on around here. . . .and graduation is in 17 days!! I still can't believe it!!

Heading out the door in a few minutes for work, but plan on checking back in this afternoon as I have several things here that I need to finish!! I'm sure a poor site owner!! I promise I'll get things done, it just takes time, and I don't seem to have much to spare recently!!

Work, voting, then dinner, and back on the site. . . .anyone notice the odd link to the forum from the gallery?? I'm trying to get the gallery to look like the forum, but it's taking a bit longer than expected. . . bare with me a bit longer . . .and hopefully I'll have June's banner ready (waiting on Jackie) today or tomorrow so I can announce the theme. . .

Re: Tuesday - 5/21/19

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:23 am
by Jan Mosier
Tammy, don't fret it. We all have busy days at times.

It's been a busy morning here. One of the dogs got sick last night so I had to mop the floors and get a load of laundry going first thing this morning. :roll: Need to bake early because Kyle wants to clean up along the road side of his house this evening when he gets off work. As far as I know my boarders are suppose to leave today. That will help lighten my load a wee bit.

Re: Tuesday - 5/21/19

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 9:20 am
by Tamara
Just hanging at home again today. Had a surprise concert last night. the band teacher didn't let the parents know until yesterday morning which was sad because it was a great concert and they had professional programs made. If they had advertised better they may have had a better turnout..
I have a few cards to get out today...graduation, sympathy etc.
cleaning up the scrap counter in my room. I just wish there was a way to have it look decent but some things have to stay.
DH is contemplating whether to go to his old boss viewing tonight or not. There are a few factors of what if he runs into a couple of people who caused problems there and I don't mean small. One girl took him to court and it was a stressful time and another boss was a jerk the whole time. I told him I would go with but he says I don't have too.
Happy Tuesday!!

Re: Tuesday - 5/21/19

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 10:29 am
by BarbP
Good morning! We have had a downpour of rain over the last two days, probably the most we've seen at one time since we moved here. Mickey and the cats got pretty antsy because they couldn't go outside. It's pretty gray this morning and more rain may be on the way. Meanwhile, less than an hour away, CO Springs and north have had snow and may get several inches before it's done. Almost all of the schools areon 2 hour delay or closed. This is the high desert... :o

Mom is doing about as well as we can expect for her age. She is able to stand up and walk with a walker or a helper. Her tentative discharge date was moved from last Sunday to this weekend. We have the equipment here that we need, and we're signed up with a home health care service to come twice a week. The insurance covers only so many visits, but Mom has resiurces to pay for additional help and care. I think were going to need that. Pueblo has quite a few home health care services; we're going back to the one we used a year ago.

Re: Tuesday - 5/21/19

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 7:47 pm
by sdwhru
Today was a long day - got woke up by tornado warnings at 4 am. But then I checked the TV and it was the other side of town. So didn’t drag the hubby and dogs out of bed. But took me awhile to go back to bed

Cocoa Puff did great for her checkup. Urinalysis come back neutral which is great news. Doesn’t have to go back until time for her regular checkup. Got her shots then take doggie back home