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It's Monday 2/11/19

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:38 am
by tammyfolk
Good Morning ladies -

Where on earth has February gone?? Between planning a birthday party, no computer, my new job and doctors appts left and right, this month has literally flown by. . .

Hope everyone is doing well. . . my goal is to get caught up this week! Announce the January winner, post March's theme, and get the volunteer thread up asap!! Working til at least 730 tonight as they want me to learn how to close. I'm ahead on training as I transferred from within the system so I pretty much know everything already, except for the specifics of the department.

Everyone have a great day and stay warm!

Re: It's Monday 2/11/19

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:31 pm
by Tamara
Sounds like February has kept you pretty busy! You do know that busy people get more done, right?

I did really well yesterday with no sugars and low carbs, hoping to make it again today. I'm running to my niece's house to grab some bath bombs for the girls for Valentines. She just made a whole bunch of flavors and sells them for $4 so it fits into my budget. I want to get the title page done on Jett's baby book. ow that I realize I need to get going on it I need to get more pics developed. Tonight is Crew's last Basketball game. learning to switch up my exercise too. I always just did it whenever I had time in the middle of the day. It is more important to do it after meals so I'm going to change that.
Happy Monday!!

Re: It's Monday 2/11/19

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:30 pm
by leslie
Good afternoon ladies!

We have more winter weather moving in! Snow and ice, starting something after midnight tonight.

I decided I needed to get out of the house, so I walked to McDonalds and hung out there for a bit. Then I went over to the grocery store to mail out a Valentine package to my one granddaughter who lives an hour away. It cost me $7 to mail it out priority and there was only a box of Valentine bandaids and a card in the package. But she is only four and will love getting mail.

Re: It's Monday 2/11/19

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:32 pm
by leslie
Tamara wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:31 pm I did really well yesterday with no sugars and low carbs, hoping to make it again today.
I pretty much eat Vegan, only allowing eggs. Too bad we can't go out to dinner together :D

Re: It's Monday 2/11/19

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:03 pm
by Jan Mosier
Spent most of the day in town running errands. Weather was a bit crummy, cool and misty rain all day. At least the dogs don't seem to mind too much going out in it. Getting ready to feed them here in a bit and settle in for the evening.