Saturday May 4th - Happy interNational Scrapbooking Day

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Saturday May 4th - Happy interNational Scrapbooking Day

Post by tammyfolk »

Good morning everyone -

What's on your agenda today??

Lot's of errands to do here today . . . I probably should have done them yesterday, but most of them require Shawns company ;) and then I'm home to play along with the iNSD Day event here. . . just spent the last 15 mins or so sorting through the clues and trying to decide what papers and pictures I want to use. My goal is to actually "do something" this year. Wish me luck!!

Have a great day ladies, enjoy the event, be creative and May the 4th be with YOU!
Tammy Folk - Strawberries & Peppermints there really anything else?

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Re: Saturday May 4th - Happy interNational Scrapbooking Day

Post by Tamara »

I have a baby shower this morning. I am picking up my sister to go with me then hopefully I will be able to hook up with some of the challenges this afternoon. I’ve already done two orders with the specials are this weekend so I am off to a good start.
Taking care of my daughter’s animals this time is wearing me out. It took me almost an hour to get three of them back into the pin last night. I finally texted her and Disneyland and said what happens if I leave her out was being stubborn she told me to get some lettuce from the fridge and throw it into the pan and that did work so at least I have that going for me. My husband says we’re getting too old for this. Haha
Last night I started on the homework for the beach class from simple stories. It was a lot of cutting.
Hope your day is amazing!!
Happy Saturday!
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