Thursday 2/21/19

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Thursday 2/21/19

Post by sdwhru »

Happy Thursday! Hope everyone is having a good day so far. Tamara, how goes the eye? Tammy, all ready for the party yet? Leslie, hope you are feeling okay today after all of your errands yesterday.

I gotta leave work a little early to take Cocoa to have a recheck. My gallbladder surgery has been scheduled for March 21st. Can't think of much else going on; work is busy, busy, busy so I better get to it.
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Re: Thursday 2/21/19

Post by BarbP »

It's another day in paradise here at Chez' Prendergast ;) The older cat had a potty accident, Mom woke up complaining that she's freezing (our heat is already at 75 degrees for her), Mike is telling me about all the political garbage on the internet that he's been reading since 4 am, and it's garbage collection day :geek: But sun is shining, it's not snowing today, and I'm finally starting to reorganize my scrap room. :D Mike moved my big bookcase full of ring-bound albums to our bedroom, giving me a lot more space. He also cleaned out a hall closet (with four shelves) to store Christmas stuff. Now it's up to me to purge the stuff I don't want and rearrange the rest.
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Re: Thursday 2/21/19

Post by Tamara »

Oh my goodness! I stayed in bed all day yesterday. This is kicking my butt I haven't eaten anything threw up a lot. My eye still bugs me even with the eye drops. I just tried to eat an apple and that seemed to be okay I just don't want to get dehydrated and have to go to the ER for a drip. we had to cancel our trip to Grand canyon because of the huge storm down that way but I really don't think I would have felt good anyway it cost us $300 to cancel that we rebooked it for March. I now have lots of scabs all the way up the side of my face it's not a very pretty sight.
It's another pajama day or an I don't care day.
Becca is your gallbladder surgery the laser one? That's how I had mine out it was very slick and easy.
Barb that's awesome that might help you out with those albums. He's a hero.
Hope you all have a better day than me. Happy Thursday!
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Re: Thursday 2/21/19

Post by leslie »

I'm exhausted. I slept in. Took a morning nap. Then realized it was actually 40 degrees outside, so I took a walk. Now I am ready to go to bed.

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