In the Beginning . . . .

Join us all month long as we play Clue: the Scrap Game. Eliminate the suspects and discover whodunit, with what and where. The first person to solve the crime wins. *the more challenges completed . . , the more clues are given.
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In the Beginning . . . .

Post by tammyfolk »


In the Beginning....

It's a dark and stormy night. After a long drive you finally approach the front door of the Hill House Manor.

You ring the doorbell and a rather large kinda creepy man answers. “Welcome to the Hill House” he mutters “they are waiting for you.” The butler leads you to the lounge where Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard & Mrs. Peacock are sitting nervously.

You look around and Professor Plum pipes up. “Someone killed Mr. Boddy our host”. You begin to look at everyone in the room; it is your job to find out who killed Mr. Boddy, Where he was killed and with what weapon.

** Stay tuned for more details
Tammy Folk - Strawberries & Peppermints there really anything else?


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